Sunday, June 14, 2015

A teacher doesn't have the summer off!

I spend a fair amount of time looking at Pinterest for inspiration. Okay, who am I kidding?  I spend a lot of time on Pinterest, especially in the summer.

As I was scouting my Pinterest homepage yesterday I came upon something too good not to share, well if you are a science teacher.  On the TPT site my new hero, Nitty Gritty Science, has created so many really useful products.  My wishlist is filled with her products. On the top of my list is the NGSS Expectations Ladder.  She has created one for Earth Science (my main area), Physical Science and Life Science. I am also in love with the Complete Earth Science Interactive Notebook bundle. I have attempted Science Notebooking since I started teaching 6 years ago with minimal success.  I'm hoping that this bundle will put me over the top on the notebooking organization.

NGSS Expectations Ladder for Earth Science from TPT Nitty Gritty Science

Earth Science Interactive Notebook Bundle from TPT Nitty Gritty Science

Another TPT product that looks interesting to me is from The Science Penguin. It is a Hands-On Science Vocabulary Instruction packet.  I believe, especially in Science, that vocabulary instruction is essential.  If the students don't truly know the meaning of the science vocabulary they are expected to use, they aren't able to understand the big idea or concept. 

 Hands-On Science Vocabulary Instruction from TPT The Science Penguin
I haven't actually purchased or used these yet, but I do plan to.  I'll do a post after school starts to let you know how they work. 

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