Hello, I'm Kami.

Are you ready to inspire someone today? I know I am. My name is Kami and I live in a small town in Northwestern Missouri.  I am a 6th & 7th grade Science teacher, a mother of two teenage girls (Lord help me) and married to my wonderful, handy husband for 19 years. I enjoy crafting, reading and finding new inspiration on Pinterest. Some of the projects I do involve basic sewing, refinishing furniture, outdoor flower designs, and other miscellaneous crafts. I love finding new ideas for my classroom. Not only lessons, but design as well. Did I mention I'm working on my Masters Degree too?

I have been inspired by many people throughout my life.  I just hope that I can do the same, especially for my students.  I'm a work in progress. I am not always the person that I want to be.  I'm just like everyone else and have my bad days, but I'm going to keep on trucking and trying to be the best me I can be.

As I've gotten older, late 30's now, I have realized that I want to surround myself with positive people. Life is way too short to be negative all the time. The people I surround myself with now are going to help keep me on track to being the positive person I want to be. They are supportive, fun and understand that life is busy.  We don't have to talk everyday to know we are there for each other.

Back to the life is way too short thing. I am trying to make sure that I LIVE my life. Don't think you will wait until you have enough money saved or until you retire to travel or learn something new. Do it now! You never know what tomorrow brings. Yes, I have a bucket list and I do work towards marking things off. The things on there are not always big, once in a lifetime events.  Sometimes it is just an opportunity presenting itself and taking advantage. Grab life by the horns and don't let go. 

I've always wanted to be a writer...for as long as I can remember.  I just never took the steps. This blog is the first step to achieving that goal. It may not be a novel, like I've always dreamed, but it's writing. So here we go...let's do this thing!

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