What a busy year it was. I didn't follow through with my blogging like I intended, but I'm making a new attempt. After my classroom redesign last year I am moving to a different room this year. That means a whole new redesign of the classroom! Why do I do this to myself?
Somewhere along the way I lost the pictures I had taken of my finished room. I was able to redo the calendar pictures to share with you. I couldn't find the size or kind of calendar I wanted for my classroom so I created my own. I wanted it to be quick and easy to change, pretty and big enough for the kids to see.
I had a plain tan bulletin board next to my dry erase board that was ugly. It didn't fit with how I wanted the area to work for me so I had my husband help me remove the bulletin board (the previous installers had GLUED it to the wall so that was quite the experience) and move it. I then simply painted it with a gray wall paint using a roller and used hot glue to attach ribbon for the dividing lines between days. I printed off the months, days of the week and dates on card stock and attached Velcro dots to the back and to the board. I think I hot glued the dot to the bulletin board so it would stay better when changing the dates.
I used post-it notes to mark important events. If there was a test it was always one color. If I was offering an after school study group it was another color. I liked the post-its so much better than a typical write on calendar because in education you have to be flexible and dates always change.
Ta-da! An easy, reusable calendar. Since I will be making another one (it's even bigger) for my new classroom I will get more step-by-step pictures to share.
Comment below if you like it, plan to use it, or have an idea to make it better.